Pray like your LIFE depends on it
Ok, so we all know what it is like to pray like crazy when there is something HUGE going on in our lives. Whether you are scared, someone you love is sick, or you lost something super important, you start to beg God for what you want and need in your life.
But what about all of the other times? Why do we feel guilty asking for things when God WANTS to provide for us when he specifically tells us to ask? Let me tell you my biggest take-a-way from my weekend visiting my mentor rockstar coach.
Yeah...weird right? I spent the weekend with one of the top beachbody coaches learning how to push myself and my team to the next level, and what I took home was: Get on your dang knees and PRAY!
I have a few CRAZY stories to tell you.
Ok, so how the trip started: Everything was packed, and we were on our way to Columbus for a family dinner before I flew out, when I realized that I was supposed to fly out of Dayton!! (I didn't book my own flight) so we went a back way to get to Dayton when I decide I should probably call to the airline to make sure that everything is good to go with Atticus flying with me. It says you have to prove your child is under 2 (for a free flight), but since he is clearly a newborn, I didn't think I actually needed documentation.
Back to the house to find his birth certificate. At this point, there is NO WAY we are going to get to go out to eat since we have been in the car for an hour, and we are back where we started at our house. We ran inside and found his birth certificate (the one with the footprints, not the official one because we don't have it yet) and we started back on our journey. Since there wasn't enough time, we decided to hit a drive thru so the kids wouldn't starve to death. Don't worry, Tony bumped the car in front of him, and as the woman got out to yell at him, I am praying desperately that we don't have to call the police (no damage because he barely nudged her with the license plate). PRAISE THE LORD she just told him to be careful.
Don't worry, I made it on the flight, but I was a complete anxious nutcase from everything that happened. (and not to mention I was flying with a newborn and staying with a stranger when I got there) I said a quick prayer, and within a few seconds a beautiful blonde girl sat next to me. The flight FLEW by as we chatted about the amazing things God has done in our lives, and how He specifically answered prayers for us. Sometimes we need to just spend time reflecting on God's goodness and answered prayers so we remember how faithful He is. :D

The weekend went off without a hitch, and Andrea shared time and time again about how my mindset needs to be that of TRUE belief. Truly believing that God gave me this amazing opportunity for a reason, and that if I truly believe in God, then I know when I go before Him in prayer, I know that He will answer my prayers.
On my flight home from the trip God brought ANOTHER amazing Christian lady to sit by me. She told me an amazing story about how her daughter met a guy in high school who brought her from a straight A student with plans of becoming a doctor to a child runaway hooked on meth. She never gave up on her daughter and continued to pray for healing for her. After almost losing her life, going to rehab/counseling, and tons more prayer--her daughter is now a Jesus loving 25 year old who is about to graduate with her bachelor's degree (when she came home from living with the meth head abusing man, she could barely read, but her mother prayed for her healing daily).
Where did I lose sight in my prayer life? When did I stop praying like a warrior? When did I start to rely on my own strengths to get me where I want to go??
I am not sure, but I know that I am not anymore! I am going to be spending a ridiculous time in meditation and prayer, and stop making excuses. Who is with me?