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You are ENOUGH

Anyone else beat themselves up for so many dumb things that they probably shouldn’t?? I was having a chat with my sister today, and she said, “sounds like you need to write a blog about that!” Soooo… thank you Sharalyn for inspiring this blog. When I had Dahlia, I had all of the expectations of motherhood that I placed on myself. I thought that I needed to breast feed a certain amount of time, only cloth diaper, make all of my own baby food, teach her the alphabet and all of her numbers by a certain age, make sure the house was perfect, be the “ideal” pastor’s wife who led worship and ran the children’s program, and make enough money from home to make up for leaving my corporate job. I’m sure you can imagine how I felt when I was obviously failing all of these things!! I am not superwoman. In fact, I realized that by trying to juggle everything…and quite honestly, too much…I wasn’t doing well at anything. My marriage was struggling as I felt like I wasn’t good enough in any aspect—but definitely as a wife and mother.

I’m not the only one who has ever felt this way right?

Well something that I have really felt God speaking over my life recently is that HE thinks I am enough. Let that sink in for just a little bit. Even if your dishes are overflowing your sink…you are enough. Even if you didn’t get everything done on your to-do list today…you are enough. Even if you were never able to breastfeed, or heck, have biological children…you are enough. Even if you are living pay check to pay check…you are enough. Even if you failed at something today… you are enough. YOU are enough for the creator of the universe… so forgive yourself for the things you haven’t been able to finish, get back up, and do your best.

The Bible says:

Be confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Philippians 1:6

So on those days when it seems like nothing can go right. Go to your mirror, look yourself directly in the eye and say, “If I am enough for the creator of the universe… I am enough for me too.”

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