Hey friends!!!
Soooo!!! For those of you who are my friends on facebook--you have seen that I was gone in Nashville all weekend learning from some of the top coaches about how to rock it out (if you aren't my friend add me right now!!! à
You are never going to BELIEVE what I learned the most!
Basically everything can be summed up to this: Work harder, and be more patient.
It kinda was a little bit of a smack in the face! Gary Vaynerchuk said, ""The simple fact is - 95% of us are just not working hard enough, complain too much and don't have enough patience."
So here I am to tell all of my email followers that I am going to work harder than ever. Wanna know what areas I am going to push myself in??
à Promoting foster care and adoption--let's make sure every kid in America has a safe place to rest their head each night!
à Pastor's wife--I'm going to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, and share His love to everyone I meet
à Coach--I'm going to make it my goal to help end the epidemic of obesity in America by helping people learn about health and fitness
à Freedom--I'm going to help women have the opportunity to live financially free lives
à Mother--I am going to be the best example to my kiddos that I can, loving them with my entire heart, and showing them that they can be or do anything they put their mind to with hard work!

Who is with me? Who wants to take the 2nd rate version of yourself--push yourself a little harder, and be the BEST version?