Let's talk about LOVE baby!

How was your Valentine’s day??
Hopefully it was full of chocolate and flowers, or surrounding yourself with the people you love. I know some of you had a wonderful day, and others ate their weight in ice cream feeling very lonely.
Whether you fit in the first or the second category—I have a message for you.
You are so very loved.
Do you realize that God loved you so much that he specifically designed you just the way you are when you were in your mother’s womb?
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
As if that isn’t enough—God sent his one and only son to die for your sins so that you could go to heaven.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Why did someone have to die so that you could go to heaven?? Just imagine that you did something bad—like steal from a store. And you were going to go to jail. But instead of YOU going to jail—Jesus did instead. It is the same idea. You have sinned (everyone has done something wrong) and so you can’t go to heaven because only perfection can go to heaven. So Jesus is willing to take all of your sins away—and put them on him through this death on the cross and resurrection from the dead so that you are PERFECT…and you can go to heaven someday. Do you know anyone else that loves you that much?? So much that they would die for you, or send their son to die for you?? So instead of feeling sad this Valentine's season, I hope you are so joyful that you are so very loved. And if you feel loved by your boyfriend or spouse, I hope you realize that their love is nothing compared to the love that God has for you :D