Chris and Kacie's courthouse wedding!
I met Chris and Kacie at our little country church, and immediately loved them. Chris is the oldest son of one of my dear friends, and Kacie is pretty much the most adorable thing ever. These high school sweethearts exemplified an endearing love that I knew was the real deal. Chris had joined the Army, and would be leaving for boot camp soon. It was such a special occasion for Chris to get baptized before he left, and we all prayed for him while he was in boot camp.
I was so excited to hear that Kacie and Chris were getting married when he got back so that they could start their life together, and I couldn't wait to capture their sweet wedding day. Everyone was laughing in the waiting room before we went into the courtroom, and it was easy to see that everyone loved and supported this beautiful couple in their decision to get married.

When we walked into the court room, the judge asked if the family wanted to pray over the couple before they pledged their life to each other. It was one of my favorite moments as a wedding photographer as both family joined hands to pray over Kacie and Chris.

The ceremony was short and sweet, and pretty much everyone cried at some point as the couple swore their love for each other. We grabbed a few sweet pictures at the courthouse, and then the family surprised the couple by throwing rice at them as they headed to camp Myeerah for more pictures

Kacie and Chris, it was such a blessing to photograph your beautiful wedding. I pray you keep dancing and laughing through the hard times and rely on God to get you through any tough situation.